Biden on Darfur

"I would use American force now," Biden said at a hearing before his committee. "I think it's not only time not to take force off the table. I think it's time to put force on the table and use it."

Michael Crowley discusses Joe Biden's hawkish positions including this one on Darfur as compared to the less aggressive policy of Obama, and wonders how these two will gel...

I like Biden for this very reason. He's got a good sense of American power and the necessity of keeping America's military strong. I'm also an advocate of ending genocide wherever it emerges. We can't very well talk about equal rights and fair taxes and all that while sitting on our hands as people in Darfur are slaughtered.

Darfur is such a massive problem, and so easily swept outside our consience. Richard Just warns that "
it is too soon to succumb to a retrospective spirit, and to busy ourselves only with learning the right lessons for the next genocide, which will surely come. The suffering in Darfur is not yet yesterday's news."

No, indeed. Darfur is happening today. The question is, when and if Obama and Biden take the White House, will Biden's advocation of force become policy?

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