McCain's New Negativity

I'll say it straight out--the "new" McCain--the sarcastic, eye-brow raising, eye-rolling, spoiled upset schoolgirl McCain--the snarky guy who won't look his opponent in the eye, condescends, picks unqualified (dare I say dangerously unqualified) running mates in the eleventh hour despite his supposed commitment to our national security--this new John McCain is not the same man he used to be.

Even if he is, there's no way for him to shift back now.  He's committed to his new vision of America.  That vision now includes Sarah Palin.  I say, if you can't have a press conference, and you can't handle an interview with Katie Couric (those issues-based questions are actually gotcha questions, as though our candidates can't handle gotcha questions even if the rather mundane Couric questioning were gotcha-esque which it wasn't) then you can't run a country.

Palin can't run a country, and quite frankly, I love America and don't want it run into the ground by this reckless GOP ticket.  We are facing a critical choice.  It wasn't even so critical before the RNC convention, prior to the Palin pick.  McCain is (or was) a decent, moderate politician.  Now, I think he's lost his way.  He's committed us to a trajectory that is at once dangerous and foolish.

I would say this election is far more important than the last two.  Electing the GOP back in to power will spell the end of America as we know it.

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